MARCH 2025


November 4, 2015

MSK Holds Rally at ERC for Timely start of Mandatory CSP

MSK is afraid that the CSP implementation is being delayed to allow Meralco time to sign mid-night contracts for 3,000mw power and escape the mandatory bidding rules of the DOE. It is the electric consumers who will suffer negotiated high […]
October 26, 2015

The DOE’s CSP Rules and You ……And Why Meralco Is Fighting it Tooth and Nail

MSK October 24 2015 The Department of Energy, the energy policy making body of the country, passed a Circular on June 30, 2015 requiring distribution utilities like Meralco to open to competitive selection process (CSP) their purchases of power supplies […]
October 21, 2015

Will Meralco’s Rate Reductions be Permanent? Not a Chance.

David Celestra Tan, MSK Meralco Residential and Commercial Consumers should rejoice everytime Meralco’s highest electric rate is reduced specially in this one that so far amounted to an unprecedented P1.96 per kwh from a year ago or 19%. Meralco likes […]
October 8, 2015

Comments on the Draft Implementing Guidelines of Section 3 of the DOE Department Circular No DC2015-06-0008

Here is the full document about the Matuwid na Singil sa Kuryente’s comments on the Draft Implementing Guidelines of Section 3 of the DOE Department Circular No DC2015-06-0008. Alternatively you can download the full copy here. Comments on the Draft […]
October 7, 2015

Meralco’s Gump at DOE/ERC Hearing on CSP

David Celestra Tan, MSK 07 October 2015 What we found amazing in the public hearing yesterday at the Intercon Hotel in Makati by the DOE and ERC is the continuing gump of Meralco to claim with a straight face that […]
September 21, 2015

Moving Forward with the Mandatory CSP Of Power Supply Contracts

David Celestra Tan, Co-Convenor, Matuwid na Singil sa Kuryente Consumer Alliance Inc. (MSK) Voluntary implementation of the CSP is like junking the policy and completely abandoning the consumers. Meralco’s Residential and Commercial electric consumers have been paying the highest rates […]
September 9, 2015

ERC Now Waivering on CSP?

Matuwid na Singil sa Kuryente The suspected pro-Aboitiz bias of the new set of Commissioners at the Energy Regulatory Commission will be tested sooner than later on the critical issue of mandating competitive bidding called Competitive Selection Process. The new […]
August 8, 2015

New ERC Chairman is an Upgrade. He Deserves a Chance

by David Celestra Tan, MSK Weeks before he was officially appointed by President Pnoy as ERC Chairman to replace ex-Pampanga Congresswoman Zenaida C. Ducut, lawyer Jose Vicente Salazar was already being questioned for his lack of energy industry knowledge and […]