MARCH 2025


February 13, 2016

Why Electric Consumers Need A Petilla in the Senate

David Celestra Tan, MSK There is a lot of work needed to undo the damage to electric consumers of the failures of the implementation of the Epira Law, of the deregulated and privatized power industry, of the compromised regulatory authority […]
February 6, 2016

Update on CSP Front!

David Celestra Tan, MSK Consumers were overjoyed when the DOE and then later the ERC passed the rules requiring the bidding or competitive selection process (CSP) for the contracting of power supply. Meralco decided not to obstruct the pro-consumer policy […]
January 31, 2016

Meralco’s P0.18 Reduction In 2015 Is A Camouflaged Refund of Overcharge in 2011

David Celestra Tan, MSK The rate reduction of P0.18 per kwh that Meralco announced in July 2015 turned out to be actually a refund of overcharges for the years 2007 to 2011 and not a reduction in rate. At the […]
January 25, 2016

Is PEMC’s claimed P8.29 Billion Market Benefit of RE Valid?

David Celestra Tan, MSK 24 January 2016 In the face of the heavy subsidies being charged to the electric consumers for Renewable Energy power, PEMC released a study by Jonathan de la Vina, its market specialist showing that the infusion […]
January 12, 2016

A Sensible Philippine RE and Climate Change Policy

David Celestra Tan 12 January 2016 The Philippines does not really have a handle on a sensible policy and strategy to address climate change. Even its Renewable Energy program that so far is really its only concrete attempt at a […]
January 9, 2016

Market Domination and Counting Installed Generating Capacities

David Celestra Tan, MSK 8 January 2016 A wise USA regulator said “we know we want to deregulate, we just forgot why we are doing it!”. This characterizes the way the Philippines had been implementing its power deregulation law of […]
January 4, 2016

Remaking the ERC – Purpose before Size

David Celestra Tan, MSK 2 January 2016 New ERC Chair Jose Vicente Salazar is engineering a shakeup of the ERC. We are sure there is a method to the ensuing madness caused by the reorganization and by officers leaving because […]
December 29, 2015

Where does an 800 lb Gorilla Sit? Anywhere it wants to!

By David Celestra Tan Co-convenor, Matuwid na Singil sa Kuryente Consumer Alliance Inc. 18 August 2014   Wikipedia says “800 pound gorilla” is an American English expression for a person or organization so powerful that it can act without regard to the […]