MARCH 2025


November 28, 2016

Whats Anomalous About Meralco’s Charging the Public with Negotiated Rates Without CSP?And the DOE Doling Out FIT Subsidies?

David Celestra Tan, MSK 27 November 2016 Under our Anti-graft laws the Office of the Ombudsman had indicted many government officials for misappropriating government funds. From procurement, improper expenses, and misuse of pork barrel.Former President Arroyo had been accused of […]
November 23, 2016

What’s the Big Deal About CSP?

David Celestra Tan, MSK 20 November 2016 You have been reading about CSP. What’s the fuss about? If you thought CSP means Contracting Sister Projects, Contracted Sweetheart Prices, Customers are Screwed in Power, (or Capisanan ng mga Sipsip sa Pangulo), […]
November 21, 2016

Viewpoint: No to the WESM in Mindanao

David A. Tauli, Mindanao Coalition of Power Consumers A clamor has been raised to establish a wholesale electricity spot market (WESM) in Mindanao, now that there is an excess of capacity of power plants. This paper shows that: (1) The […]
November 14, 2016

Meralco’s Self-Dealing is Rent-Seeking on its Distribution Franchise. It is Abuse of Market Power and Harmful to Consumers.

David Celestra Tan, MSK 13 November 2016 Meralco has a franchise and monopoly for the distribution of electricity in the mega area of Metro-Manila and adjoining provinces. Its distribution franchise though did not come with the right to also monopolize […]
November 11, 2016

Why Not Hold CSP Biddings Now to Assure Future Power Supply?

David Celestra Tan, MSK 8 November 2016 They are doing it again to electric consumers! There is a concerted effort to make the public believe that we are running short of power supply and that the current projects, specially by […]
November 7, 2016

Regulatory Capture 103 or Corruption in Government Agencies 101

By David A. Tauli, Mindanao Coalition of Power Consumers In response to the proposal by the MCPC for member-consumers of electric cooperatives to file criminal charges at regional trial courts against their EC officers and against the ERC commissioners for […]
November 4, 2016

The Ugly Picture of Meralco’s Violations of Consumer Rights

David Celestra Tan, MSK 31 October 2016 Your organization Matuwid na Singil sa Kuryente Consumer Alliance Inc had been formed to fight for consumer rights in the Meralco area, more particularly abusive power rates. Our first action was in 2011 […]
October 29, 2016

Guest Post: Can consumers ever organize?

By: Cielito F. Habito – October 18, 2016, 12:19 AM from Philippine Daily Inquirer How can companies providing various goods and services that are part of our daily lives keep getting away with practices amounting to abuse and exploitation of their consumers—the very […]