MARCH 2025


September 26, 2018

Stars Aligning for the ERC Approval Soon of Meralco’s1,200MW Atimonan One Coal Project!

David Celestra Tan, MSK 26 September 2018 We earthlings can now just watch the heavens align the stars for the ERC approval of Meralco’s 1,200mw Atimonan One coal project. We had known from the body language and signals of the […]
September 15, 2018

Re-Tooling the Philippine Renewable Energy Strategy and Rationalizing FIT Subsidies (Part 2)

David Celestra Tan, MSK 10 September 2019 Back to RE and they are not all the same Lobbyists for Solar and Wind are always waving the RE flag as if they are all the same, specially if we consider public […]
September 11, 2018

Re-Tooling the Philippine Renewable Energy Strategy and Rationalizing FIT Subsidies (Part 1)

David Celestra Tan, MSK 10 September 2018 Ten Years since the RE Law was passed we seem to have come to a strategy and policy crossroad. The achieved installation of 1,200mw had come at a heavy cost to consumers, mainly […]
August 27, 2018

The People have Spoken: Survey Finds 84% of Adults in Metro-Manila Not Satisfied with Meralco’s rate.

David Celestra Tan, MSK 26 August 2018 The heavens are probably feeling sorry for the Meralco consumers already that it sent an answer to Meralco’s “lower rate” propaganda in the form of a Pulse Asia Research survey rebuking Meralco’s publicity […]
August 22, 2018

Counterpoint to Meralco’s Rate Propaganda: The Issue is Affordability and Overcharging in Rates Not Statistical Mumbo-Jumbo

David Celestra Tan, MSK 22 August 2018 Meralco’s vaunted propaganda and hoodwinking machinery went to town a few days ago trumpeting that Meralco customers should be happy that its rate is 18% lower than two years ago in 2016. All […]
August 18, 2018

Viewpoint: Meralco power rates fair and reasonable, now below world average; and continue to decrease

By Elinando B. Cinco – August 17, 2018, 12:12 am from Manila Bulletin Here is some good news to our readers which will certainly lighten up their mood and the rest of their week. Contrary to general impression, we’re not […]
August 11, 2018

An Overlooked “Inside the Box” Solution to the EDSA Traffic Congestion…and Then Some.

David Celestra Tan, MSK 8 August 2018 It seems overall the Duterte Administration is on the right track for long term solutions to the traffic congestion in all major thoroughfares of the Manila Metropolis. The Build Build Build, the subway […]
July 30, 2018

Reduce Your Power Bill by 25% Now!! Meralco Consumers Revenge- We have the Power!

David Celestra Tan, MSK 28 July 2018 Meralco consumers have been pleading with the government to do something with the high power charges. More like the abuses and regulatory anomalies.   We have been asking for the correction in rate setting […]