By Jordeene B. Lagare – October 22, 2020
from The Manila Times
The National Electrification Administration (NEA) will work with electric cooperatives (ECs) and the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to relocate electric poles more quickly.
This Feb. 17, 2020 file photo shows National Electrification Administrator Edgardo Masongsong. (TMT file photo)
In a statement on Wednesday, NEA Administrator Edgardo Masongsong said his agency would coordinate with the DPWH in implementing the latter’s joint circular with the Department of Energy that prescribed the guidelines and procedures for the relocation of ECs’ distribution or subtransmission lines.
Under the circular, the implementing agency of infrastructure projects requiring the relocation of electricity facilities, like power lines, “shall coordinate with the NEA and ECs to address all ROW (right-of-way) concerns related to the affected facility, such as, but not limited to, claims for compensation and determination of relocation site.”
The implementing agency shall also inform the power cooperative and NEA in writing that its facility would be affected by the road widening or other government projects.
Representatives from the concerned EC and the implementing agency shall jointly survey and assess the project. Within 30 calendar days after the joint survey and assessment, the EC shall submit a proposed program of work and its costs duly certified by the NEA to the implementing agency.
The implementing agency shall then determine the proper compensation for the power cooperative within 10 calendar days after the submission of the program of work.
Within 15 days after the amount is determined, the implementing agency and the EC shall sign a relocation agreement. This covers the terms of payment for the affected power lines, the details of the affected facility, the schedule of the removal or relocation of the affected facility, and the target date of the removal.