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A group of power generation companies are deeply alarmed by the suspension order.



“We generators hope that this matter will be resolved soonest since the suspension of our ERC chairperson affects the whole industry,” said Philippine Independent Power Producers Association (Pippa) President Atty. Anne Estocro Montelibano said.

Pippa counts 28 power firms with 18,132MW grid installed capacity.

“The entire industry has worked with the current chairwoman in her roles prior to accepting this recent post. Atty. Dimalanta consistently performs her duties with professionalism and in accordance with the code of conduct expected of her as a lawyer and a public servant,” Montelibano said.

“The industry cannot afford a commission without its chair. We hope that all stakeholders unite in its support to the ERC chair. Energy security is crucial to this country, and it is only when we are together, setting aside our differences, that we can truly move forward to a future with stable, reliable, and costefficient power,” added Montelibano.

Most of the power firms were surprised by the Ombudsman order.


Meralco Chairman Manuel V.Pangilinan

“I was just as surprised as you were when I read it in the papers,”

Still, industry stakeholders hope this development will not have an adverse effect on the power industry.


ACEN Corp. President Eric Francia via Viber.

“We hope that the ERC is able to continue to address the pressing needs of the industry, and that the matter will be resolved soonest,”


Alternergy Holdings Corp. chairman and former Energy Secretary Vince Pérez

hopes for an urgent resolution to this.

“I am saddened to learn the news about the preventive suspension order against ERC Chairperson Atty. Monalisa Dimalanta. I understand there is a process that needs to take place. I have continued faith and confidence that the allegations will be resolved favorably.

In the past two years, Chair Mona has tirelessly worked to implement the policies and reforms formulated by the DOE into regulatory mechanisms to be adopted by industry stakeholders. Chair Mona’s absence at the ERC could negatively impact the implementation of these reforms,” Pérez said.

Based on reports available to the ERC, the suspension seemed to be anchored on alleged grounds that are “unfounded and without proper basis.”


Nasecore President Pete Ilagan, Complainant

The administrative investigation stemmed from a 2023 complaint filed by Nasecore which allegedly claimed that Dimalanta allowed Meralco to purchase electricity from Wholesale Electricity Spot Market at higher prices.

The Nasecore said Meralco, in turn, passed on the charges to consumers without the required prior approval of the ERC, in violation of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act.

“This is about the legality of Meralco purchases at WESM that are passed on to its captive customers without ERC approval,”

Editors Note:

The MSK website is giving space to views of the energy stakeholders regarding this critical development in the power policy making and regulations. This consumer website however reserves the right to establish priorities in available space and meritorious reactions and comments.


Author:BY LENIE LECTURA @llectura




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